The Unforgettable Moments: Jaw-Dropping Surprises from the Realm of Formula 1

The Unforgettable Moments: Jaw-Dropping Surprises from the Realm of Formula 1
Image source: motorsport
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Five times new Formula 1 cars delivered shocks

In 2009, Brawn GP discovered a loophole in the regulations that allowed them to use a double diffuser, giving them a significant advantage over their rivals. This led to a court appeal to determine the legality of the design, but ultimately it was deemed legal. Other teams quickly developed their own version of the double diffuser. In 2010, the placement of the exhaust became crucial in terms of performance. Red Bull introduced a lowline exhaust that blew the exhaust gases between the tyre and diffuser, setting a trend for other teams to follow. Red Bull’s collaboration with Renault helped them maximize their advantage.

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